If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. - ROMANS 14:8
生きるにしても死ぬにしても、主に従うのです。 いずれにせよ、私たちは主のものです。
I ki ru ni shi te mo shi me ni shi te mo, Shin-ni shitaga u no de su. i zu re ni se yo, watashi ta chi wa Shin no mo no de su.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Cookies day photos.

Diffrent shapes of cutting mold.
Decorations ; sweets.

Soke Kuan.

Kar Chun enjoying making cookies.

Our mother Hooi Ling. =)

Wayne enjoying decorate the cookies.

Deputy Rou Sang trying some thing new.

Je Hsi trying new ideas.

Iris and Darren.

Mun Teng and Joey.

Dorcas with her cookie.

Love shapes.

Many different shapes of cookies.

Angry bird? made by Yen Teng.

Cute ring and Lizard/Frog made by Yen Teng.

Loves cookies.

Left - made by Je Hsi
Right - made by Yen Teng

Flowers cookies.

Made by Je Hsi.

Snail by Yen Teng

Made by Kar Chun and decorate by Je Hsi.

Wayne trying out the new spec by Je Hsi.


Mun Teng.


Rou Sang.



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